Why Subscribe

Even when we buy fresh produce marketed to us as organic or natural, there’s always the question of reliability. But when you can grow your own produce at your own space, what do you have to worry about?

Reliable Food, Healthy Food

Harvest healthy, high-quality vegetables of trustworthy standards

Grow Crops Of Your Choice

With our diverse choices, select crops you wish to grow

Not Dependent On Market Price

By subscribing to our package, get freshly harvested vegetables for free

Holistic Farming Experience

Learn and enjoy the farming experience by interacting with our farmers

Quality Time At Your Farm

Spend valuable time with your family while learning to farm

Cheaper than Market Price

Vegetables that you get with our package are 2.3 times cheaper than MP

Support Farming Community

Contribute to the livelihood of local farmers

Improve Soil Quality

Help rejuvenate soil by multi-cropping with organic inputs

Remodel Plans

You can subscribe and cancel you subscription at anytime.You can also change vegetables as per your choice

Download minikroft
Stay Healthy and Reliable with our minikroft app


Interested in joining your hands in building the future of how we experience Farming